Interview Survey on Parents and Children in the Semipalatinsk Area: Perceived Causality between Children’s Diseases/Disabilities and Nuclear Tests


We interviewed children with diseases and/or disabilities and their parents from nine families in the Semipalatinsk Area from 2009 to 2013. Whether their disabilities/diseases were officially certified or not, most parents pointed to the nuclear tests at the Semipalatinsk Site as the cause of their children’s health problems. Reasons given by the parents for linking the children’s medical problems to Nuclear Tests were classified into three categories: The grandparents of the children had been exposed to radiation directly; the parents themselves grew up in a contaminated area; the area that they currently reside is contaminated and their children are being affected directly. We also explored whether the sense of guilt felt by the parents was eased when their children’s ill health was officially certified as caused by nuclear tests. A detailed analysis of the survey responses revealed that these parents tend to blame themselves for their children’s ill health, regardless the circumstances, and were left thinking ‘if only there were no nuclear tests’. Exploring such layers of thought would shed light on the reality of adverse mental effects on the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site victims.本稿は日本学術振興会科学研究費補助金【基盤C】(平成20-22年度)『セミパラチンスク地区の核被害実態調査研究: アンケート・証言・遺伝子解析を通して』(研究代表者:川野徳幸)、【基盤B】(平成23-25年度)『カザフスタン共和国セミパラチンスク地区住民の被ばく被害に関する総合的研究』(研究代表者:川野徳幸)、【基盤B】(平成27-30年度)『被ばく被害の国際比較研究:セミパラチンスク、チェルノブイリ、広島・長崎、福島』(研究代表者:川野徳幸)の研究成果の一部である。 また本稿は、日本平和学会2016年度秋季研究集会での報告に加筆修正を行ったものである

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