The Version of Reading : The Point of View of the Performance Assessment


本稿では,国語科の「読むこと」の授業過程を〝パフォーマンス課題-評価〟の教育評価過程と捉え,コンピテンシー育成に向けてパフォーマンスの「質」,ひいては認知プロセスの「質」を問う一般評価基準の観点を検討する。「読むこと」におけるパフォーマンスの「質」には,〝読み〟の型(=読み方)が深くかかわっている。ここでは,その3類型を〝読みのヴァージョン〟としてモデル化し,それらの階層性にそくした観点試案を提示した。In this research, I regard the learning process of reading in Japanese classes in Japan as form of educational performance assessment. I use the benchmark of the Public Assessment Standard to measure the quality of the performance and the quality of the comprehension process, for competency upbringing. The quality of performance in reading classes, namely “a child thought and expression” is connected with the model or style of reading deeply. I modelled three methods or versions of reading, and proposed a tentative plan concerning the points of view for assessment in accordance with the version hierarchy of reading

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