Differences in the Learning of Beginning Learners and Specialized Scientists in the Field of Ethics : From the Viewpoint of Schemas and Narratives


本研究では,価値領域における倫理の観点について,専門科学者の学びの過程(論文作成過程)と,大学院生による学びの過程(論文の読解過程)の相違について検討する。課題論文は,「生命圏倫理学の論点―倫理学の視点から―」(畠中和生,2005,2006)である。学習者の学びの過程を専門科学者の研究(学び)の過程に変換する方法として,学校教育現場で一般的に用いられるテキストを読んで理解したことを文章や図でまとめる方法を用いた。加えて,畠中氏に,直接インタビューに出向いて,論文についての理解を補った。その結果,内容の理解不足に関しては,スキーマの不足が要因として考えられたが,これは時間をかければ克服できることがわかった。しかしながら,この方法では専門科学者の隠れたメッセージは十分読み取れないこともわかった。倫理学の領域は,自然科学や工学の領域のように,具体的な例が存在するとは限らない。このため,スキーマだけでは伝わらないものは多いと考えられる。本研究では,スキーマだけでは示しにくいものも,ナラティブズ(語り)によって伝えられる可能性を示した。今後は,倫理学の領域で専門科学者の隠れたメッセージを読み取る学習方法を検討していく必要があるだろう。This study investigated the differences between the learning process (the paper writing process) of a specialized scientist and that of graduate students (the process of understanding a paper) in the field of ethics. The selected paper was “On the Main Topics of Biosphere Ethics: From the Viewpoint of Philosophical Ethics” by Kazuo Hatakenaka (2005, 2006). As a method of transforming a student’s learning process into a process of the scientist conducting the research study, graduate students organized their understanding of the paper using summaries and figures, which is a method often utilized in classrooms. In addition, Prof. Hatakenaka was interviewed in order to supplement her understanding of the paper. As a result, we found that a lack of schema of the graduate student was the reason for inadequate understanding of the text, but it could be overcome by investing more time in the process of understanding the paper. However, we also found that this method did not enable a deep understanding of underlying messages of the author. In the field of ethics, there are not always concrete examples as like is the case in the fields of natural sciences and engineering. Therefore, to understand the paper precisely in the field of ethics, a beginning learner could have limits just activating her/his schemas. This study suggested a possibility that narratives could establish contexts to understand them correctly using her/his schemas. We need more studies to investigate learning methods for understanding messages of specialized scientists deeply in the field of ethics

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