Study of Haji Ware Shaped Tsuki (坏)and Dishes in the Aki Area (2) <Research section: Study 1>


In my “Study of Haji Ware Shaped Tsuki and Dishes in the Aki Area (1),” I examined the excavated condition, form, and manufacturing technology of the Haji ware shaped tsuki and dishes from the Middle Ages that were excavated on the Hiroshima University Higashi-Hiroshima Campus. For this paper, I excavated Haji ware in the Aki area (western Hiroshima Prefecture) on the basis of the above analysis. I targeted four regions in the Aki area― Saijo Basin, Hiroshima Gulf, Nutagawa, northern Aki region ?for analysis. I discuss the chronology and regionality of Haji ware in the Aki area, and I produce a chronology for Haji ware shaped tsuki and dishes in the Saijo Basin and Hiroshima Gulf from the 12th to the 16th century, divided into five periods. It is clear that there are two great epochs for assemblages of tsuki and dishes in the Aki area: from the late-12th century to the end of the 12th century, and during the late 16th century. It is also clear that the assemblage, typology, and manufacturing technology in each region differ according to the context of Ouchi-type Haji ware and sub-regionality.本稿は、『広島大学埋蔵文化財調査研究紀要』第5号に掲載した「安芸地方における土師質土器坏・皿類の研究」の後半部分として作成したものである。当初、永田千織と二人で論文作成の準備を進めていたが、永田が2014年3月末で退職し、その後諸般の事情から本稿の作成に直接携わることができなかった。本稿の基本的な考え方は永田が在職中に藤野と議論し、合意した内容に基づいている。しかし、本稿の下書全般について永田が十分に検討できる状況にはなかったため、本稿における事実誤認等はすべて藤野に責任があることを明記しておく。なお、本稿の図面作成は藤野が行い、永田、山手貴生、西口祐子が補助した

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