Volume rendering using grid computing for large-scale volume data


In this paper, we propose a volume rendering method using grid computing for large-scale volume data. Grid computing is attractive because medical institutions and research facilities often have a large number of idle computers. A large-scale volume data is divided into sub-volumes and the sub-volumes are rendered using grid computing. When using grid computing, different computers rarely have the same processor speeds. Thus the return order of results rarely matches the sending order. However order is vital when combining results to create a final image. Job-Scheduling is important in grid computing for volume rendering, so we use an obstacle-flag which changes priorities dynamically to manage sub-volume results. Obstacle-Flags manage visibility of each sub-volume when line of sight from the view point is obscured by other sub-volumes. The proposed Dynamic Job-Scheduling based on visibility substantially increases efficiency. Our Dynamic Job-Scheduling method was implemented on our university's campus grid and we conducted comparative experiments, which showed that the proposed method provides significant improvements in efficiency for large-scale volume rendering

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