

パーム核油の水抽出に酵素を応用した。パーム核を粉砕し、色々な酵素で、水浮遊法でパーム核油を抽出した。粗酵素のセルラーゼルとヘミルラーゼまたは、さらに、プロテアーゼとペクチナーゼを同時に作用させると油の回収率が高くなった。それぞれの酵素を1%ずつ用いた場合が最高の収率になった。また、収率はpH及び粉砕物と水との混合割合によって影響された。pHは回取された油中の遊離脂肪酸の値に影響した。この酵素法で伝統的なパーム油の製造法を改良出来ることが分かった。An enzyme-assisted fat extraction technique has been applied to the aqueous extraction of palm kernel oil. Palm kernel meal samples were prepared and treated with different enzymes prior to extraction. The oil was then extracted using a water floatation method. Treatments with a crude enzyme with both cellulase and a hemicellulase activities, only or in combination with a protease and a pectinase, all resulted in higher palm kernel oil yield than control treatments. Optimum yield occurred when a protease, a pectinase and the cellulase/hemicellulase enzymes were combined, each at 1% concentration. Yield was influenced by the pH of the meal suspension and the meal/water ratio during the enzyme treatment. The former seemed to affect the free fatty acid values of the enzyme-assisted extracted palm kernel oil. The observations suggested that the enzyme-assisted aqueous extraction method could be used to improve the viability of the traditional palm kernel oil process

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