Review of Big Five research from developmental perspective


The theory of Big Five is an effective model, in which the personality structure is described in terms of extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability, intellect. Big Five was originally developed as a tool for the personality description of adults, but has proved effective also for developmental research. From childhood through adolescence and adulthood, many questionaaire studies revealed the 5 factor personality structure. On the other hand A individual difference in infancy and early childhood is studied in terms of ""temperament."" The relation between Big Five and temperament in not clear. Hogekull(1994) presented a hypothetical relation between Big Five and temperament, and assumed that Big Five develops from the temperament dimensions of Emotionality, Activitity, Sociability, Impulsivity, Shyness of EASI, which appear to be related with Intensity/Activity, Approach-Withdrawal, Attentiveness, Manageability of TBQ

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