The Association of Percent Body Fat using Multi- frequency Bioelectrical Impedance Method and Various Indices from a Medical Examination in Japanese Adults


本研究は, 多周波数インピーダンス法による身体組成値と健康診断成績による生活習慣病危険因子との関連を検討した。対象は, 健康診断時に調査に同意の得られた18~84歳の男性383名, 女性454名であった。身体組成値は, 2.5~350kHzの周波数のインピーダンス値を140点で測定できる多周波数インピーダンス機器(MLT-100)により測定した。健康診断成績は, aspartate aminotransferase(AST), alanine aminotransferase(ALT), 血清総コレステロール(TC), HDLコレステロール(HDL), 中性脂肪(TG), 空腹時血糖(FBS), 収縮期および拡張期血圧(SBP, DBP)を用いた。体脂肪率高値群での除脂肪組織量の値は18~29歳の男性を除いて体脂肪率正常値群での値との差を認めないが, 脂肪組織量, body mass indexの値は体脂肪率正常値群での値に比べ高くなった。また, 体脂肪率と健康診断成績との関係では, 性別や年齢によりどの項目と相関するかは異なるが, 体脂肪率高値群では正常値群に比べ, 男性ではAST値, ALT値, TG値, 女性ではSBP値, DBP値が有意に高く, 男女ともHDL値が有意に低くなった。したがって, 体脂肪の高値は糖尿病や高血圧症, 脂質代謝異常などの疾患と共存する可能性が示唆され, 体脂肪率を測定することは医療や健康管理において有用な指標となると考えられた。We investigated percent body fat (%fat) using multi-frequency impedance method and discussed the correlation with medical examination values. The subjects were 379 males (39±15 years) and 398 females (45±18 years), aged 18 to 84 years. Each person was previously informed about the purpose of this study. Body composition was measured by multi-frequency impedance instrument using 140 points frequency 2.5 to 350 kHz (MLT-100,Sekisui). Medical examination was assessed by values of aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), total cholesterol (TC), high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL), triglyceride (TG), fasting blood sugar (FBS), systolic blood pressure (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP). The relation between the %fat value and medical examination values were interlaced with various factors such as age and sex. In high %fat groups except for males aged 18 to 29 years, the median values of fat mass and body mass index were higher than those in normal %fat groups, and there was no difference in the median value of fat free mass between the two groups. In high 0.000000AT groups, the median values of AST, ALT, TG for males and SBP, DBP for females were higher than those in normal %fat groups. In high %fat groups, the median values of AST, ALT, TG for males and SBP, DBP for females were higher than those in normal %fat groups. In high %fat groups, the median values of HDL for males and females were lower than those in normal %fat groups. These results suggest that higher body fat individuals are related to life style, dependeing on the diseases. It was concluded that measuring %fat will be useful to screan for medical and health checks

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