Comparative functional analysis of the atypical Notch ligands DLK1 and DLK2 in vertebrate development


DLK1 and DLK2 are vertebrate specific non-canonical Notch ligands. Dlk1 is imprinted throughout murine development [76] but selectively loses its imprint in the postnatal neurogenic niche by an unknown mechanism [78]. Possessing both secreted and membrane-tethered isoforms[212, 211], DLK1 plays critical roles in a wide range of developmental processes and is implicated in several diseases, including obesity and cancer[35, 241]. Apart from a few exceptions[78], in the majority of processes, the precise roles and relative contributions of membrane-bound and secreted DLK1 are unknown . DLK2 is a related gene with homology to DLK1 [108, 49]; however virtually nothing is known about it. Preliminary data from the Ferguson-Smith lab suggests that it is involved in neurogenesis in the Zebrafish. This project investigates the role that DLK2 plays in wild-type mice and compares the gene to DLK1.My work was funded by a Wellcome Trust studentship and a Lander studentship from my college

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