The Lawrence Livermore Laboratory Shiva laser-target interaction facility is designed for experiments at 20 to 30 terawatts. At this power level there will be larger fluxes of neutrons, x-rays, electrons and ions than have been previously measured. The measurements of energy converted into the various reaction products is crucial both in target design and performance analysis of the actual experiment. The total energy absorbed is measured by a box calorimeter surrounding the target except for beam input holes. This measurement prevents the use of other diagnostics, so for normal operation an energy balance module was designed for location on ports on the Shiva target chamber. This module monitors the energy in scattered light at 10640 A and 5320 A or 7118 A. It also contains a faraday cup and plasma and x-ray calorimeters. The distribution of energy in scattered light, plasma and x-rays will be mapped by 58 such modules