Análise de parâmetros de fixação biológica de nitrogênio em cultivares comerciais de soja


It was objectified to analyze parameters of biological nitrogen fixation in soybean cultivars in response to the inoculation and foliar application of cobalt and molybdenum. The experimental design was the complete randomized block with additional checks, with three replications, consisting of 18 treatments: 15 soybean cultivars treated and more three cultivars chosen among the 15 cultivars and used as checks (not treated). In the stadium V6 were evaluated in 5 plants to the for useful portion the parameters: number of nodules (NNOD), the nodules dry weight (WNOD), the root (WROOT) and the shoots (WSHO). The obtained data were submitted the variance analysis by the test F and the averages compared by Scott Knott's test (p.0,05). For the obtained results were verified that the soybean cultivars differed to each other with relationship to the parameters of biological nitrogen fixation. The largest values of NNOD and WNOD were obtained in cultivars IAC 23 and M-SOY 5942. For WROOT they stood out you cultivars them BRS 133 and BRS 184 and for WSHO BRS 184. In relationship the estimates of correlations the best results were obtained for NNOD x WNOD and WROOT x WSHO.Objetivou-se analisar parametros de fixacao biologica do nitrogenio em cultivares de soja em resposta a inoculacao e aplicacao de cobalto e molibdenio via pulverizacao foliar. O delineamento foi em blocos ao acaso, com testemunhas adicionais com tres repeticoes, consistindo de 18 tratamentos: 15 cultivares tratadas e mais tres cultivares eleitas entre as 15 e utilizadas como testemunhas (nao tratadas). No estadio V6 avaliaram-se em 5 plantas ao acaso por parcela util os parametros: numero de nodulos (NNOD), massa seca de nodulos (MNOD), da raiz (MRAIZ) e parte aerea (MFOL). Os dados obtidos foram submetidos a analise de variancia pelo teste F e as medias comparadas pelo teste de Scott Knott (p.0,05). Pelos resultados obtidos foram verificadas que as cultivares diferiram entre si quanto aos parametros de fixacao biologica do nitrogenio. Os maiores valores de NNOD e MNOD foram obtidos nas cultivares IAC 23 e M-SOY 5942. Para a MRAIZ destacaram-se as cultivares BRS 133 e BRS 184, e para MFOL a BRS 184. Em relacao as estimativas de correlacoes os melhores resultados foram obtidos para NNOD x MNOD e MRAIZ x MFOL

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