Simultaneous optimization: sectorization and congolese air traffic assignment by the method of preferential reference of dominance.


Air controllers encounter aeronautical problems everyday. Those problems complexity is growing as the latter problems emerge in aerial navigations sectors at the time of the air traffic assignment. As a long time as the number of aircraft in a sector is high, the controller-related load will increase in a nonlinear way. Currently, one counts, on the congolese territory, and especially in the vicinity of areas with wars, many planes movements. This would represent in a near future a difficult bulk of control for controllers. In order to avoid saturation in sectors, the congolese airspace must be divided in increasingly small sectors while distributing the workloads. To clarify the analysis, one is interested in the multicriteria optimization which deals with the case of the simultaneous presence of several objectives by the preferential reference of dominance method proposed by Joseph Okitonyumbe and Berthold Ulungu (2014). The latter method is based on a new characterization of the efficient solutions by building the probable assignments in order to minimize the load of control in the sector

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