Social Support\u27s Contribution to Reduced Welfare Dependency: Program Outcomes of Long Term Welfare Recipients


Long term welfare recipients participated in a state job training and welfare reform demonstration which provided education,job training, and supportive services via intensive case management. Social support research has focused on stress and physical and psychological health outcomes not welfarejob training and education outcomes. Job training and welfare to work policies and programs have not emphasized providing social supports but the supportive services of transportation and child care. Program outcomes at follow-up included: education and job training certificates, including GEDs with some still studying; jobs; and a 50% reduction in welfare receipt. Results of hierarchical regression analysis suggest a participant\u27s social support made a significant and meaningful contribution to reduced welfare dependency for hard to serve long term welfare recipients. Social support was more important than the length of time receiving welfare. Implications for social support theory, welfare to work policy and programs, job training, evaluation, and case management are discussed

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