Ten systemic steps for sustainable energy savings in small and medium enterprises


Energy savings are a priority in the different industrial sectors including Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). They have a conceptual perception of energy savings by replacing their service and production technologies with more efficient one. However, this technological change requires large-scale investment. There is another approach that can be used to reduce energy costs that has less impact on company production costs and does not require investments in technology. This approach considers planning and control procedures, which are considered in the present study. This study proposes a new method consisting of 10 systematic steps to achieve energy savings in SMEs. This method initially evaluates when, how, and where the energy is used, then identifies opportunities to achieve sustainable energy savings. The method involves various activities including an assessment of energy efficiency based on final energy consumption, adjusting production plans with low energy consumption and costs, and monitoring the energy budget. Application of this methodology in SMEs can save energy around 5 − 20% over a period of 1 to 3 y with some very low payback periods of less than a year. Operational controls implementation in Significant Energy Uses (SEU) can save energy around 2 − 5% of the consumption, without requiring investment in technology

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