[[alternative]]The Effects of Craniosacral Therapy on Agitation in Older Adults with Dementia


[[abstract]]  本前驅性研究採單組重複測驗設計,以榮民之家經醫師確診屬輕、中度失智老年住民,且經輔助人願意協同參與者為收案對象。過程中,個案需三個月內無顱骨骨折或急性腦中風,生理跡象穩定。介入前一週至後側第八週,每天進行中文版躁動行為量表紀錄問題行為。顱薦椎技術介入為期六週,每週一次,每次15分鐘。在第六週、第七週、第八週再評值其問題行為並於中文版躁動量表(CMAI)在介入期間評值結果有顯著性差異;在介入結束後一至二週之評值結果得分仍有顯著性差異。本研究期望在運用顱薦平衡按摩技術於失智症老人身上,能發揮照護機構特殊功能,減少其躁動行為的發生頻率,提供失智高齡者輔助照護的有益參考。[[abstract]]  This study was designed to compare the agitation of patients before and after Craniosacral Therapy intervention. Study subjects were veterans home residents who were diagnosed mild to moderate dementia. Caregivers also agreed to participate. Other criteria include no cranial bone fracture or acute CVA and with stable vital signs in recent three months. We recorded irritable behaviors using Chinese Agitation Scale everyday starting one week before intervention and continued until six weeks after the initial intervention. Intervention was provided once a week, fifteen minutes each time. Irritable behaviors of the subjects were also evaluated at sixth, seventh and eighth weeks. We expected significant difference because of the intervention, and were curious to find out whether it demonstrates significant effects in scores even weeks after the end of interventions. The results suggest that Craniosacral therapy may be an effective alternative treatment in decreasing agitation frequency of the dementia elders

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