Cover crops management for no-till grain crop production


"Cover crops are forage grasses, legumes, small grains or other crops grown to protect and improve the soil. Cover crops are becoming increasingly important in Missouri, because soil losses of 10. 9 tons of cropland per acre are occurring annually through sheet and rill erosion. About 20 cents worth of nutrients is lost in each ton of soil, which means a loss of over 2peracreperyear.Inadditiontosoillossfromerosion,Missouriislosingnutrientsequivalenttoover2 per acre per year. In addition to soil loss from erosion, Missouri is losing nutrients equivalent to over 25 million in fertilizer each year."--First page.Z.R. Helsel, M. DeFelice, D. Buchholz (Department of Agronomy College of Agriculture)New 11/86/8

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