How to buy and sell cordwood


"One of the first questions "wood burners" ask about wood supplies is, "How much per cord?" The dollars are important. But equally important is a standard way to measure and transfer the wood. Both the buyer and seller must agree upon and understand the procedure. Many people who buy cordwood for their home wood stoves admit they don't understand the transfer process. Some dealers talk in terms of a "rick," a "rank," or a "pick-up load." Others mention a "face cord" and still others talk in terms of a cord or fractions of a cord. Sometimes, the definitions vary from dealer to dealer and from locality to locality. For example, on most sales, no procedure of transfer even exists. The dealer dumps his pick-up load in the yard at a designated point, collects his fee from the buyer, and moves on."--First page.James Pastoret (Forestry, Fisheries and Wildlife College of Agriculture)New 1/86/8

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