Creating a videotape for instruction


"1/86/2M""Videotape provides some distinct advantages over other electronic media. The equipment has become more portable, easier for the non-technically trained person to use, and very cost effective when compared to 16mm film production. Creating a worthwhile instructional videotape is a time-consuming challenge. However, its proven effectiveness in teaching, plus other production advantages, make it worth the planning and production time. An hour-long lecture by a teacher can be shortened to about forty minutes on videotape, without loss of content or meaning. Time saved can be used for review, questions or discussions. The video version doesn't 'forget' key points or get side-tracked. An instructional video is often better understood by the learner who can review confusing segments right away. CAUTION: a poor lecture will not magically become better just because it is videotaped. Proper planning is vital to a quality instructional videotape. This guide is for non-technically trained persons working alone or with professionals."--First page.Judith A. Wells, Annette C. Sanders, and David H. Trinklei

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