
Geostrophic adjustement of density fronts: what do we learn from recent laboratory experiments ?


We present here a rapid review on recent laboratory investigations on geostrophic adjustment of density fronts. Several configurations were studied: warm core lens, cyclonic-anticyclonic PV patches and uniform PV front. The geostrophic adjustment is the first dynamical process which converts a significant fraction of the potential energy input of the atmosphere and the ocean into kinetic energy. According to the cases we studied we have shown that during this rapid adjustment toward a quasi-equilibrium state, an important part of the initial energy could be transferred to wave motion or dissipated by small-scale non-hydrostatic instabilities. A mean adjusted state is always reached after one or two inertial period. Even if a strong wave activity is present in the initial region of unbalance, the time-averaged mean flow could nevertheless be adjusted. We have shown that the wave modes frequency is concentrated around the inertial frequency. Besides, some anticyclonic structures may also exhibit sub-inertial o

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