
Improvement of passive array treatment by estimation of the spectral matrix of noises


Array processing aims to characterize impinging sources front recorded data ; a model of the noise spectral matrix is necessary for the treatment . One usually suppose either that this matrix is known or that the noises are uncorrelated and have equal variances on each sensor. We present here an algorithm to estimate the noise spectral matrix when the noises are uncorrelated and have différent variances on each sensor. It needs technics of the principal components analysis; thus it uses the eigensystem of the spectral matrix of the received signais (the number of impinging signais is assumed known) . We show on simulations that, if the spectral matrix of the noises is estimated with this algorithm, the following array processing treatments give improved results .Présentation d'une méthode pour estimer la matrice spectrale des bruits lorsqu'ils sont non corrélés et ont des puissances différentes sur les capteurs. Utilisation des techniques d'analyse en composantes principales et donc des éléments propres de la matrice spectrale des signaux reçus. Simulations justifiant l'emploi de cet algorithm

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