Impact of the USA on the EU's actorness in the Iran negotiation


Impact of the USA on the EU's actorness in the Iran negotiation A. Rosenheim, LS 2018/2019 1 Abstract In 2006 an extensive negotiation between the Islamic Republic of Iran and a wide international coalition (P5+1) was established to discuss the Iranian nuclear programme that has become the main priority regarding Iran after the revelations made in 2002. Most of the time during the course of this negotiation, the European Union performed a leading role of the entire P5+1 group that includes other major players in global politics. Using criteria of actorness defined by Lynne Dryburgh, this thesis evaluates the EU's concrete political actions taken within this complex process and analyses the potential U.S. influence on the EU's actorness through a comparison of the character of EU's actorness in two given periods (2006-2016 and 2017-2018). The analysis of this thesis is based mainly on EU's official documents (conclusions of the Council of the EU and the European Council) and statements of other entities' representatives involved in the negotiation. By means of evaluation of the chosen criteria, this thesis concludes that while the changed approach of the American administrative has influenced some aspect of the EU's position, the Union's actorness towards Iran has remained intact

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