Morfometria como suporte para elaboração de mapas pedológicos: I. Bacias hidrográficas assimétricas.


The present work aim to develop a methodology, using digital images processing with morphometric data to subsidize the soil mapping, in order to guide the field work becoming survey faster, better precision and cheaper. Initially the Digital Elevation Model was made (DEM), for TOPOGRID method of the ArcInfo program, using 37 topographical letters in scale 1:10.000 the Jardim river basin. From the DEM the morphometric maps of the basin had been generated (slope, flow direction and contribution area), used to elaborate the color compositions and histograms analyses in order to allow the definition of soil pattern. After that was made the comparison with the soil map elaborated by Embrapa where could be conserved great similarity of the soil units.bitstream/CPAC-2009/25009/1/doc_68.pd

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