
Indicação da cultivar de soja BRS Raimunda para Goiás e Distrito Federal.


ABSTRACT: The soybean cultivar BRS Raimunda is a result a Group Work formed by researcher of Embrapa Cerardos in conjunction with Embrapa Soja, with significant finantial support of Cerrados Fundation. In term of genealogy BRS Raimunda originated of a cross between Braxton X BR93-31857 and it was developed by modified genealogical and method of plant breeding. In the final research tests for variety release to the farms, the cultivars BRS Raimunda was superior in terms of grain production than the cultivars tests such as M-SOY 8800, DM 339 and Uirapuru. BRS Raimunda is a late cultivar indicated to the Cerrado Biome of Goias State and Federal District. Besides the high productivity and stability, the cultivar presents also resistence to the root-knot such as Meloidogyne incognita and Meloidogyne javanica.bitstream/CPAC-2009/26194/1/comtec_106.pd

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