The Velocity of the Baseball Batting Swing as Affected by the Addition of a Select Resistance Exercise of a Traditional Pre-season Weight Training Program


The purpose of this investigation was to determine the effects of two types of resistance-training programs on the velocity of the baseball batting swing. A sub-problem of the study was to determine the effect on the velocity of the batting swing of using a weighted bat immediately prior to batting. The following procedure was employed: thirty freshman baseball candidates at the South Dakota State University were selected as subjects and were placed in two groups equated by the measure of the velocity of the baseball batting swing. The subjects in the two experimental groups (Traditional Weight Training Group and Resistance Training Group) participated in a six-week training program. The exercise program was determined by the varsity baseball coach and the writer (wrist curl, two-arm curl, bench press, bent-over lateral raise, one-half squats, and sit-ups with weight, with an additional specific resistance exercise for the Resistance Group). To obtain data for this investigation an initial and a final test for the velocity of the baseball batting swing were administered to the subjects. A second final test was administered in conjunction with the sub-problem of this study. The experimental groups met three times per week. The training program began February 6, 1067 and terminated on March17, 1967. As a result of the findings obtained from this investigation, the following conclusions appear warranted: that either a traditional weight training program or a similar program with the addition of one specific resistance exercise will increase the velocity of the baseball batting swing; that neither method seems to be significantly better than the other; and that swinging a weighted bat immediately prior to batting does not significantly affect the velocity of the baseball swing

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