Comparative analysis of the financial results-equity in family firms and non-family firms: the case of the service sector in Malaga (Spain)


This research explores the differences between the main economic financial ratios of family firms and non-family firms. The analysis has been carried out on a total of 335 firms from within the province of Malaga, of which 154 are of familiar type, with the remaining 181 being unfamiliar. The sector that is the subject of this study is the tertiary sector: choosing bars, cafes and wholesale providers of these type of businesses due to their evident importance to the service sector in the province. Among main results, significant differences are highlighted in all the ratios analysed between the two groups of firms studied, as well as a greater distribution of profits to its shareholders by family firms (FF) versus non-family firms (NFF). Results show NFF have relatively higher economic return, although the variation of this ratio is greater than in a family firmEl presente trabajo refleja un análisis comparativo en los principales ratios económicos-financieros de las empresas familiares y no familiares, se ha realizado sobre un total de 335 empresas de la provincia de Málaga, de las cuales 154son familiares y otras 181no familiares. El sector que se ha estudiado es el terciario, escogiendo bares, cafeterías y los proveedores al por mayor de este tipo de comercios por su evidente importancia del sector servicios en esta provincia. Entre los principales resultados destacan las diferencias significativas en todos los ratios analizados entre los dos grupos de empresas estudiados, el mayor repartode beneficios a sus accionistas por parte de las empresas no familiares frente a las no familiares. Las empresas no familiares obtienen mayor rentabilidad económica relativamente, aunque la variación de este ratio es mayor que en las familiares. Diversas son las aplicaciones prácticas de los resultados del estudio para el sector terciario

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