
Is cosmic acceleration slowing down?


We investigate the course of cosmic expansion in its `recent past' using the Constitution SN Ia sample (which includes CfA data at low redshifts), jointly with signatures of baryon acoustic oscillations (BAO) in the galaxy distribution and fluctuations in the cosmic microwave background (CMB). Earlier SN Ia data sets could not address this issue because of a paucity of data at low redshifts. Allowing the equation of state of dark energy (DE) to vary, we find that a coasting model of the universe (q_0=0) fits the data about as well as LCDM. This effect, which is most clearly seen using the recently introduced `Om' diagnostic, corresponds to an increase of Om(z) and q(z) at redshifts z \lleq 0.3. In geometrical terms, this suggests that cosmic acceleration may have already peaked and that we are currently witnessing its slowing down. The case for evolving DE strengthens if a subsample of the Constitution set consisting of SNLS+ESSENCE+CfA SN Ia data is analysed in combination with BAO+CMB using the same statistical methods. The effect we observe could correspond to DE decaying into dark matter (or something else). A toy model which mimics this process agrees well with the combined SN Ia+BAO+CMB data.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, presentation expanded, results for a new subsample of the Constitution set are added, new BAO data are accounted for, main results unchange

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