Rendimiento y proteína del maíz intercalado con frijol en arreglos topológicos, densidades y fertilización


Previous studies have shown that yield of corn (Zea mays L.) was higher in strip intercropping with bush beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) than in monoculture, under similar agronomic management. However, its quality has not been reported in the hybrid studied. Were studied the effects of: 1) planting arrangement of maize ‘H-155’ and black bush beans ‘8025’ in strip intercropping system, 2) the rate of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K) and 3) density (D) on the corn yield (Ym) and yield components, as well as, its quality in terms of protein content (ProtG), P and K. A field experiment (split plot design experimental) was set up at the Campo Experimental Valle de Mexico in 2012. The main plots were three planting arrangements (PA); corn in monoculture (CM), two rows of corn intercropped in two rows of bush beans (CCBB), and one row of corn intercropped in one row of bush beans (CBCB). Subplots were the treatments of the factorial design 24 : 60 and 120 kg of N, 15 y 45 kg of P2 O5 , 10 and 30 kg of K2 O and 35,500 and 40,500 plants 0.5 ha-1. In intercropping system, corn yield was higher in both planting arrangements than in monoculture, whose yield was 15% lower than planting arrangement CBCB. This result was associated to prolificacy of plants (ears per plant), number of kernels per row of ear and the weight and size of corn grain. Protein content was also higher in both planting arrangements in strip intercropping than in monoculture: CBCB = 8.64 %, CCBB = 8.35 % and CM = 7.85 %, using the lower rates of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and densitySe analizó el efecto del arreglo topológico del maíz ´H-151´ y frijol arbustivo ´Negro-8025´, la dosis de fertilización, y densidad de población (D); en el rendimiento de grano de maíz (Ym), su contenido de proteína (ProtG), P y K. Se estableció un experimento de parcelas divididas en CEVAMEX-Texcoco, en el año 2012. Las parcelas grandes fueron: cultivo simple de maíz (CSM), dos surcos intercalados con dos de frijol (MMFF), y un surco de cada especie intercalada (MFMF). Las sub-parcelas fueron tratamientos del factorial 24 (dos niveles de los factores de fertilidad con N, P2O5, K2O y Densidad). Ym fue mayor en ambos sistemas intercalados que el cultivo simple, debido al número de mazorcas por planta, granos por hilera en la mazorca y peso y tamaño del grano. ProtG fue mayor en sistemas intercalados comparado con CSM al mismo nivel de fertilización y D

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