La ética y los saberes de recursividad en la formación de psicólogos/as


This work deals with the characterization of psychology as a science and profession. This feature is part of the Argentine academic tradition which goes from the origins of psychology as an undergraduate program by the end of the 1950s to the present day. In relation to this topic, four issues are analysed: a) the knowledges of psychology showing the necessity of two epistemic dimensions closely related, namely the discursivity and recursivity, or knowledge and metaknowledge, b) the role of psychology as a profession within the praxis, rather than in the poiesis, according to the Greek distinction between the implications of these two modalities of the ¿doing¿, c) the concurrence and difference of ethics and deontology, their roles, bounds and potentialities within the psychological field in general, and that of scientific-professional morality in particular, and d) the definition and characterization of ethics and epistemology as knowledge of recursivity in psychologists¿ training.Learning and teaching are conceived and developed in a bonding pattern. Group relational modality which involves all and every member of an education institution is the basic and indispensable support, so that its members can start, at least in part, the process of subjectivation. Thus, this work invites to reflect upon the issue ¿does including mean integrating?¿ framed within the proposal of integration of children with education special needs. The first statement is ¿occasionally, including means to initiate a process that may lead to integration¿, i.e. inclusion is usually the first step, and as every first step, it has a radical meaning which may or may not lead us to meet the targeted goal. A compulsory inclusion without adequate backup may generate a great space of exclusion. Therefore in this work, some aspects which sometimes hinder integration process are developed

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