Crianceros Transhumantes: un modo de producción que se resiste a desaparecer.


The word “criancero” is an auto-denomination of a broad group of family producers that work mainly on the breeding of sheep and goats. In this paper I intend to analyze, as a first approximation, the state of legal neglect in which these peasants live and produce, as well as the incipient union organization of the group, since their actions have gained them say in the matter and some visibility. This changes them from actors mainly ignored by the rest of the society to proactive subjects looking after their rights.La palabra criancero es una auto denominación de un amplio conjunto de productores familiares que se dedican fundamentalmente a la cría de ovinos y caprinos. En este trabajo, me propongo analizar, en esta primera aproximación, el desamparo legal en que estos campesinos viven y producen y también en la incipiente organización gremial del sector, ya que a través de su accionar han cobrado durante la última década voz y cierta visibilidad que los transforma de actores mayoritariamente ignorados por el resto de la sociedad, en sujetos preactivos tras la exigencia de sus derechos.PALABRAS CLAVE: Paisanos – Cultura – Trashumantes – Crianceros - Norpatagonia CRIANCEROS TRANSHUMANTES (TRANSHUMANT BREEDERS). A MODE OF PRODUCTION THAT FIGHTS AGAINST ITS DISAPPEARANC

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