Dos Crónicas Magrebíes Medievales: Al-Ḏajira Al-Saniyya y Rawd al-Qirtas


In the present communication I intend to expose my conclusions on a small comparative study between two of the earliest Maghreb chronicles throwing information about the North African tribe of Banū Marin y arrival to the throne in the thirteenth century Maghreb. With these common features, allowing a more complete picture of an era, which is undoubtedly the least known of the merinid period, their beginning. The similarities and influences between them are such that there are different theories about a possible common authorship. After concluding the study and subsequent analysis of these works, can be extracted that there are substantial differences on a structural and stylistic level that hinder the possible absolute identification of author of the Ḏajira Al-Saniyya with the author of Rawd al-Qirtas.En la presente comunicacion pretendo exponer mis conclusiones referentes a un pequeno estudio comparativo entre dos de las mas tempranas cronicas magrebies que arrojan informacion sobre la tribu de los Banū Marin y y su llegada al trono magrebi en el siglo XIII. Gracias estas caracteristicas comunes, permiten una vision mas completa de una epoca que, sin duda, es la mas desconocida del periodo benimerin, sus inicios. Las similitudes e influencia entre ambas son tales que existen diferentes teorias acerca de una posible autoria comun. Tras realizar el estudio y posterior analisis de dichas obras, se puede extraer que existen diferencias sustanciales a nivel estructural y estilistico que dificultan la posible identificacion absoluta del autor de la Ḏajira Al-Saniyya con el autor de Rawd al-Qirtas

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