IBV developed a manual for technical assessment
to prevent ergonomic risks in the bakery sector,
thanks to the funds of the FPRL (IS-0099/2010).
This project allowed the development of a simple,
rapid and participatory tool for ergonomic risk
This tool answered one of the great difficulties
in the sector for the implementation of preventive
measures: having simple tools available for
entrepreneurs and employees in the context of
microSMEs (more than 90% of companies of the
bakery sector).
In 2012 the same entities have developed a project
to overcome another challenge of the sector: the
difficulty to access to training caused by work schedules
and because so small companies don't hire
any prevention consultant for technical assessment.
Specifically, partners have developed a set of
audiovisual podcasts based on real environment,
available through a web portal or mobile apps, in
order to explain risk factors for employees and
good practices to reduce them.En el marco de la asignación de recursos de la Fundación
para la Prevención de Riesgos
Laborales (Convocatoria de
asignación de recursos del ejercicio
2011, IS-0110/2011, IS-0113/2011
e IS-0136/2011), CEOPAN, las
federaciones sindicales FEAGRACCOO
y FITAG-UGT y el Instituto de
Biomecánica (IBV) han desarrollado
un proyecto dirigido a presentar
recomendaciones y buenas prácticas
ergonómicas mediante mensajes
audiovisuales disponibles a través
de la web o de los dispositivos
móviles de los trabajadores y
empresarios del sector de panadería