
This research study aimed at factors affecting sales performance among retail businesses in Kenya: a case of Tusker Mattresses Ltd. The specific objectives of the study were to determine the effects of promotion on sales performance in retail business, pricing, competition and to also establish the effects of customer loyalty. This study was significant to the organization’s management of Tuskys, future researchers and other retail Organizations. The study covered a population of 60 persons in the organization who formed the sample size. The researcher used descriptive research design. The findings from the study were presented on the table and chats for easy decoding and analyzing to present the results from the study. The findings on promotion indicated it affecting sales performance according to 87% of respondents and rated average on affecting sales performance. Pricing was determined at 82% of respondents on affecting sales performance and was low though sometimes average. Competition findings was determined to affect sales performance by 83% of the respondents and rated effectively fair. Then the findings on customer loyalty was determined by 73% of respondents and rated at low extent though sometimes average. The conclusion from the study postulated that promotion affects the sales performance among retail businesses and promotion affecting the performance of sales among retail businesses was an average extent. On pricing, the study indicated that pricing affects the sales performance among the retail businesses and that the extent at which performance of sales among retail business being affected by pricing was not clear since great extent and average extent were alternating therefore no specific position on this. On the effectiveness on how competition affecting sales performance among retail businesses, it was not so explicit on how effective it affects it. It was very evident that customer loyalty affects the sales performance of the retail business. The study recommended more to be explored on the factors that affect the sales performance among retail businesses in respect to promotion so as to assist business have clearer picture of how positive or negative sales performance is affected. The study should explore the ways in which pricing affects sales performance and the effects on the survival of retail business. The impact realized on how competition affecting sales performance should be determined so that the retail vi businesses can have a strategy on how to carb negatives ones and statically implement the positive ones for good productivity

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