Let Γ be an N×n random matrix with independent entries and
such that in each row entries are i.i.d. Assume also that the entries are
symmetric, have unit variances, and satisfy a small ball probabilistic estimate
uniformly. We investigate properties of the corresponding random polytope
Γ∗B1N in R (the absolute convex hull of rows of
Γ). In particular, we show that ΓB1N⊃b−1(B∞n∩ln(N/n)B2n). where b depends only on parameters in small ball inequality. This
extends results of \cite{LPRT} and recent results of \cite{KKR}. This inclusion
is equivalent to so-called ℓ1-quotient property and plays an important
role in compressive sensing (see \cite{KKR} and references therein).Comment: Last version, to appear in Communications in Contemporary Mathematic