Selective probing of magnetic order on Tb and Ir sites in stuffed Tb<sub>2+x</sub>Ir<sub>2-x</sub>O<sub>7-y</sub> using resonant X-ray scattering


We study the magnetic structure of the ``stuffed" (Tb-rich) pyrochlore iridate Tb2+x_{2+x}Ir2x_{2-x}O7y_{7-y}, using resonant elastic x-ray scattering (REXS). In order to disentangle contributions from Tb and Ir magnetic sublattices, experiments were performed at the Ir L3L_3 and Tb M5M_5 edges, which provide selective sensitivity to Ir 5d5d and Tb 4f4f magnetic moments, respectively. At the Ir L3L_3 edge, we found the onset of long-range k=0{\bf k}={\bf 0} magnetic order below TNIrT_{N}^\text{Ir}\sim\,71\,K, consistent with the expected signal of all-in all-out (AIAO) magnetic order. Using a single-ion model to calculate REXS cross-sections, we estimate an ordered magnetic moment of μ5dIr0.34(3)μB\mu_{5d}^{\text{Ir}} \approx 0.34(3)\,\mu_B at 5\,K. At the Tb M5M_5 edge, long-range k=0{\bf k}={\bf 0} magnetic order appeared below 40\sim40\,K, also consistent with an AIAO magnetic structure on the Tb site. Additional insight into the magnetism of the Tb sublattice is gleaned from measurements at the M5M_5 edge in applied magnetic fields up to 6\,T, which is found to completely suppress the Tb AIAO magnetic order. In zero applied field, the observed gradual onset of the Tb sublattice magnetisation with temperature suggests that it is induced by the magnetic order on the Ir site. The persistence of AIAO magnetic order, despite the greatly reduced ordering temperature and moment size compared to stoichiometric Tb2_{2}Ir2_{2}O7_{7}, for which TNIr=130T_{N}^{\text{Ir}} =130\,K and μ5dIr=0.56μB\mu_{5d}^{\text{Ir}}=0.56\,\mu_B, indicates that stuffing could be a viable means of tuning the strength of electronic correlations, thereby potentially offering a new strategy to achieve topologically non-trivial band crossings in pyrochlore iridates

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