Pressure tuning of bond-directional exchange interactions and magnetic frustration in the hyperhoneycomb iridate β−Li₂IrO₃


We explore the response of Ir 5 d orbitals to pressure in β − Li 2 IrO 3 , a hyperhoneycomb iridate in proximity to a Kitaev quantum spin-liquid (QSL) ground state. X-ray absorption spectroscopy reveals a reconstruction of the electronic ground state below 2 GPa, the same pressure range where x-ray magnetic circular dichroism shows an apparent collapse of magnetic order. The electronic reconstruction, which manifests a reduction in the effective spin-orbit interaction in 5 d orbitals, pushes β − Li 2 IrO 3 further away from the pure J eff = 1 / 2 limit. Although lattice symmetry is preserved across the electronic transition, x-ray diffraction shows a highly anisotropic compression of the hyperhoneycomb lattice which affects the balance of bond-directional Ir-Ir exchange interactions driven by spin-orbit coupling at Ir sites. An enhancement of symmetric anisotropic exchange over Kitaev and Heisenberg exchange interactions seen in theoretical calculations that use precisely this anisotropic Ir-Ir bond compression provides one possible route to the realization of a QSL state in this hyperhoneycomb iridate at high pressures

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