Implementation of the SuSAv2-MEC 1p1h and 2p2h models in GENIE and analysis of nuclear effects in T2K measurements


We first present the implementation and validation of the SuSAv2-MEC 1p1h and 2p2h models in the GENIE neutrino-nucleus interaction event generator and a comparison of the subsequent predictions to measurements of lepton and hadron kinematics from the T2K experiment. These predictions are also compared to those of other available models in GENIE. We additionally compare the semi-inclusive predictions of the implemented 1p1h model to those of the microscopic model on which SuSAv2 is based - Relativistic Mean Field (RMF) - to begin to test the validity of widely-used `factorisation' assumptions employed by generators to predict hadron kinematics from inclusive input models. The results highlight that a more precise treatment of hadron kinematics in generators is essential in order to attain the few-% level uncertainty on neutrino interactions necessary for the next generation of accelerator-based long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiments

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