School Psychologist Leadership in RTI Implementation: Administrators\u27 View of School Psychologists as a Resource in RTI


The purpose of this study is to examine the leadership role of school psychologists in Response to Intervention (RTI) implementation, as well as school psychologists\u27 usefulness to principals in successful implementation of RTI. The researcher asserts, that through the fulfillment of certain roles, school leaders recognize the benefit of involving school psychologists in RTI implementation. The study asks the following questions: 1) To what extent are the specific leadership characteristics associated with school psychologists\u27 roles related to the level of RTI implementation being exemplified? 2) To what extent are the specified school leadership characteristics present in school psychologists in Dorchester 2 schools? School psychologists, who have historically devoted much of their time to testing struggling learners for learning disabilities, may need to adjust their roles to provide instructional consultation in a tiered assessment and intervention model. RTI is promoting a major paradigm shift from the traditional psycho-educational evaluations. IDEA\u27s 2004 reauthorization requires that multidisciplinary teams assess whether a child has received proper instruction and interventions within the general education classroom prior to qualifying for special education services. One of the greatest challenges currently facing education is training personnel to effectively meet these new requirements. School psychologists can support RTI and enhance learning for all students through consultation in school-wide program design and specific intervention programs (Barker, 2011). Their knowledge of child development, social and emotional development, and the principles of learning allow them to become effective members of school intervention teams. School psychologists\u27 knowledge of assessment and intervention may make them ideal candidates to assume the role of instructional consultant in RTI implementation. The hypothesis of this research assumes public school principals view school psychologists as valuable resources for school-wide RTI implementation. The researcher assumes that school psychologists manifest leadership characteristics that enhance successful implementation of RTI. This study aims to gain information pertaining to administrators\u27 perceptions of the usefulness of school psychologists\u27 leadership characteristics as a participant, data manager, and recruiter in school wide implementation of RTI

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