Leadership with Professional Associations


This research reviews the concepts of leadership through the lens of professional associations and indicates how this applies to the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf. It recognizes that leadership is not just individual characteristics and traits or personality. This study reveals the many dimensions of leadership through the scholarly studies that were used to support the findings. By narrowing the concept of leadership as an interactive process and nonlinear, it illuminates how leadership plays out within an orgamzation. In a group or organizational context, leadership becomes a process in which all members are active participants. Those who establish organizations control how the profession should be structured, and within that context, leadership is a crucial part of any organization. This is done through a systemic review of historical documents, and academic and scholarly journals on leadership, professions, and professional associations. Using leadership and its foundation/framework to make parallel connections as they apply to the Registry of Interpreters makes it possible to answer the following questions: If, in fact, history repeats itself, can we learn from the past and use what we learn today? What is the impetus for starting an organization? Can leadership make or break an organization? How does an association change when new leaders are introduced? As the association-profession grows, does it outgrow itself or lose focus of its mission? This study provides insight into the complexities of running a self-governing organization. Identifying how actions and decisions are made can have a domino effect. Lessons can be learned from the past and used today to help associations with transparency

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