Effect of Bovine Alpha-1-Interferon On Bovine Herpesvirus Type-1-Induced Respiratory-Disease


Treatment of calves with bovine recombinant c¢1 interferon prior to challenge with bovine herpesvirus type 1 increased the animals ' ability to withstand a subsequent Pasteurella haemolytica challenge. The reduction in viral-bacterial synergy observed following interferon treatment did not appear to be due to a direct effect of the interferon on virus replication in the upper respiratory tract. Thus, even though interferon-treated animals hed slightly less virus from their nasal passages than did untreated animals, this reduction was not statistically significant. Furthermore, there was no difference in the level of intranasal interferon secreted by control or interferon-treated animals. These results suggest hat interferon treatment does not affect the production of endogenous interferon. In contrast, a significant difference was observed between the number of days that control animals were sick, the levels of serum fibrinogen and the functional activity of polymorphonuclear neutrophilic granulocytes obtained from infected calves. These results uggest that bovine recombinant ~1 inter-feron may have a greater immunomodulatory effect han a direct antiviral effect in this model. This is further supported by the observation that bovine herpesvirus type 1 is relatively resistant to the direct antiviral effect of bovine recombinant ~1 interferon in vitro

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