On the frontline: The queer press and the fight against homophobia


The Australian gay and lesbian press developed in conjunction with the homosexual liberation movement of the 1970s and over time has reflected trends in the broader GLBTIQ (gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer) movement. When the gay and lesbian press first emerged, it was staunchly political, challenging the invisibility of the gay and lesbian community within the broader social order and the prejudiced views about homosexuality that were in circulation. The arrival of HIV and AIDS on Australian shores galvanised the GLBTIQ press and provided it with the impetus to maintain a political stance. The AIDS crisis also forced the various Australian State governments to direct financial support towards GLBTIQ health. A significant amount of this funding was used to finance advertising in the GLBTIQ press. This advertising allowed the GLBTIQ press to continue functioning in an intensely competitive era when its future viability may have otherwise been threatened. [Extract

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