Rx for Success at Back Bay National Wildlife Refuge: Take Two Committed Partners-Add Water


As part of a major effort to improve habitats for waterfowl and other wetland-dependent wildlife, Ducks Unlimited, Inc. is contributing $187,500 in matching funds to help the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service rehabilitate wetland impoundments at Back Bay NWR. The three-year project will increase Refuge management capabilities on existing wetland areas, create 300 acres of new marsh habitat and increase water management flexibility throughout the impoundment system. Components of the project include: Raising and re-sloping 8 miles of existing dikes Installing 13 new water control structures Constructing 6,000 feet of new dikes Creating two storage pools totalling 53 acres and Excavating 8 miles of water transport ditches. Surplus water will be made available to adjacent False Cape State Park/Barbours Hill Wildlife Management Area for the enhancement of 137 acres of waterfowl habitat. Benefits of the project will extend not only to migratory birds, but also the freshwater fish, amphibians, aquatic mammals, invertebrates and reptiles. Improved conditions for wildlife will also improve observation and educational opportunities for Refuge visitors. The project supports the goals of the North American Waterfowl Management Plan, an international strategy for the recovery of declining waterfowl populations

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