estimated net saving to society from cochlear implantation in infants: a preliminary analysis


Although it is clear that cochlear implants (CIs) are highly cost-effective in adults and children, the possible additional economic benefit of implantation at younger ages has to be fully established to verify whether the costs and outcomes of CIs differ between infants and older children. Implantation in infants was associated with a lower total cost for the first 10 years of life. The net savings to society ranged from around 21,000\u20ac in the two younger classes to more than 35,000\u20ac when comparing infants against chil- dren in the oldest group. When implantation was delayed, family costs played an important role in the increase in expenses. Children in the 2- to 11-month group scored significantly better at the PPVT-R than those in the other age groups (P < .05, P < .01, and P < .001, respectively; Dunn\u2019s test) at 10 years of age. The cost per 1-year gain in vocabulary age at the PPVT-R showed a substantial difference between the youngest and oldest age groups (13,266\u20ac/year, 17,719\u20ac/year, 20,029\u20ac/year, and 28,042\u20ac/year, respectively)

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