Immunocompromised tumor-bearing mice show a selective loss of STAT5a/b expression in T and B lymphocytes.


Impaired immune responses are frequently observed in tumor-bearing hosts during progression of tumor growth, but the molecular basis of these functional defects remains unclear. To investigate tumor-induced immunosuppression, we first established that lymphocytes from mice bearing s.c. mammary adenocarcinoma (TS/A) tumors were severely impaired in their ability to generate cellular and humoral Ag-specific responses. Lymphocytes from these mice were then screened for abnormalities in the expression of signal transducing proteins known to be involved in the regulation of cellular immunity. Interestingly, purified T and B cells isolated from immunocompromised tumor-bearing mice displayed a marked decrease in the transcription activators STAT5a and -b at the protein level and to a lesser extent at the mRNA level. By contrast, no change in the expression of STAT1, -3, and -6 or of the TCR itself were detected. The correlation in the loss of T and B cell function with the selective decrease in STAT5a/b expression suggests that regulation of the STAT5 signaling pathway may provide a molecular mechanism for modulating the immune system

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