Prediction of the relative in vitro sensitivity of 9L rat brain tumor cells to nitrosoureas by the sister chromatid exchange assay


In an earlier study we showed that there is a good correlation between sister chromatid exchange induction and cell kill in 9L cells treated with certain nitrosoureas. In the study reported here, we treated four 9L cell lines that have different sensitivities to chloroethylnitrosoureas with 1,3-bis (2-chloroethyl)-1-nitrosourea, chlorozotocin, and ethylnitrosourea and determined the number of sister chromatid exchanges induced. Cell lines that were most sensitive to the drugs with respect to cell kill were also most sensitive to induction of sister chromatid exchanges for a given drug, and the assay based on sister chromatid exchange is therefore predictive of the relative sensitivity of these cells to the drugs used

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