If You Stand On This Corner, People Know What You\u27re About : Powerful Geographies Of Airline & Goodwood in #JusticeForAlton


This thesis seeks to understand the multiple geographies of Airline & Goodwood, a site of protest occupied nightly during a part of summer 2016 in response to the police shooting of Alton Sterling. Through a methodology of observant-participation, interviews, and oral histories, I make the case that the politics of this site differed from other contemporaneous protest sites in the city through specific place-making activity which highlighted the site’s powerful contemporary and historical geographies. I connect protest at this site to the precarity of Black life and death in Baton Rouge through interviews and oral histories which discuss the historical geography of birth and segregation in Baton Rouge. Further, I examine the ways that the place of this site extended beyond its space, extending into flood relief and other organizing efforts post-summer 2016

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