Portfolio Vol. III N 1


Metcalf, Caroline. Master of the World. Prose. 3-5. Phillips, Alison. Eulogies. Poetry. 6. Chadeayne, Robert O. Oak Street. Picture. 6. Bethune, Don. Denisonism. Prose. 7-8. Maxwell, Bob. My Star. Prose. 9-11. V_______, S_______. Poet Philosopher. Poetry. 12. Ewart, Alison. Pious Fraud. Prose. 13-15. Beckham, Adela. Reflections. Poetry. 16. Velicka, Edward. Portrait. Picture. 16. Deane, Dorothy. Review of New Books. Prose. 17. Smith, Bob. Review of New Recordings. Prose. 17. Franke, Ruth. Original Designs. Picture. 18. Black, Jim. Drama. Prose. 19-20. Nadel, Norman S. Initial Plunge. Prose. 23-24

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