Acquitting Nietzsche: An Alternative View of his Infamous Misogyny


Nietzsche has an appreciation for women’s naturalness and instinctual femininity; he desires to help emancipate them. A closer look at Beyond Good and Evil exonerates Nietzsche of the charge that finds him to be a supreme misogynist. The author begins her paper by rectifying the misunderstandings concerning his style, which makes wide use of confusion-causing linguistic tools. She then supports Maudemarie Clark’s attention to the distinction between “women as such” and “women.” The author argues that Nietzsche attacks the socio-psychological construction of womanness and the typically unhelpful role women play in perpetuating it. In the late 19th century, the women’s movement dangerously asks women to join the herd and to imitate foolish men; instead, Nietzsche wants women to be concerned with increasing their will to power

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