Moyo Vol. IX N 1


Durica, Paul. Editor\u27s Letter . 4. Fisher, D. The More you Resist, Babe, The More it Excites Me (Support for Beatty\u27s Bid) . 5. Ward, Luc. The haunting of Barney Hall. Mysteries of the Fourth Floor Revealed . 6. Million, Chris. Not Your Crocodile Dundee (Interview with Chet Snouffer) . 8. Curry, Kim. Phobia or Philia? Student Questions Prejudices Against Specters . 13. Hankinson, Tom. Supernatural is Super-Boring. Denison Sutdent Non-Plussed by Multiple Ghostly Experiences . 20. Anderson, Chris. Run, Rita, Run. Denison\u27s Marathon professor . 22. Durica, Paul. Night in Nine (Séance in Buxton Stirs More Than Spirits) . 10

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