Values of Exemplary Jesuit College Graduates


What values do undergraduates adopt and internalize as a result of their college experiences at a Catholic Jesuit college/university? In an attempt to answer this question, the authors chose 21 exemplary graduates from 2000-2007 at a Catholic, Jesuit college in the northeastern part of the United States and conducted a ten question intensive interview with each of them. After transcribing and coding the interviews, it was discovered that these graduates had a strong grasp of such Jesuit ideals as “men and women for others,” “educating the whole person,” “cura personalis,” and “magis,” but apparently a weaker grasp of the more recent Jesuit emphasis on diversity and social justice. Faculty and members of the campus ministry staff had a strong influence on helping these graduates to develop a better sense of Jesuit values. Campus ministry activities, service and immersion trips, and research with faculty helped those interviewed to learn and practice Jesuit values

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