Work-Life Experiences for People with Mobility Disabilities in New York City


Work-family (or work-life) studies aim to measure interactions between the realms of work and home. It is necessary to examine these interactions within a broad context to understand external sources of tension on the work-life dynamic, including environmental, economic, and political factors. Exploratory interviews were conducted with participants of working age with a mobility disability, and when applicable, their significant others. Questions focused on work, home and transportation environments. Using Bronfenbrenner\u27s ecological systems theory, a model of contextual issues was constructed as the basis for an in-depth analysis of work-life issues for people with a mobility disability. Contextual research and insights from interviews were then examined using the person-process-context-time model: a theory of how individuals and environments change within the ecological systems framework. The findings reveal factors that uniquely impact quality of life and development for people with a mobility disability within the context of New York City. Questions for future research and policies are outlined

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